Ecommerce WebSites Solution
Working Module
- B2B management (Suppliers)
- B2C management (Customer )
- Administrator(Company)
1. B2B Management: - Suppliers Control Master:
- Activate Suppliers
- Deactivate Suppliers
- Change commission, incentive for the Suppliers
- Can check the order done by the Suppliers.
- Option To Hide & Show the commissionable fare
- Option To Check The transaction done by Suppliers or his staff
- Option to Book through Credit Card, Debit Card Net Banking and from agency Credit
- Option Modify Profile like contact no, logo etc,
- Option to Check Ledger for accounts history
- Option to add offers
- Option to cancel order.
- Option to check refund cancellation status
- Option to top up through Online Payment Gateway
- Option to keep offers on package Fare
2. B2C management (Customer) - online ordering System
- Advanced Search order (package)
- Modify Search order (offers)
- efine Search order (Area wise Suppliers)
- Sort by Various Parameters (items, Price)
- Price Breakup
- User Profile Set up
- Payment gateway Integration (In Case of B2C)
- Contracts & Policies
- SMS API Integration
- Email Subscription
- Auto email to the customer / admin for booking confirmation, vouchers and user registration.
3. Administration Module
The Admin module is responsible for all the back end processing and setting up of the portal and can be used to manage and control the whole portal. Starting from setting up a user to offer management and order management the entire features can be managed using the Admin module. Major Features Booking system includes the following unique features.
- Add User - admin can add the user from here
- Manage User - admin can manage the user and roll from here
- View Profile - admin can see the existing user profile from here
- User Search - admin can search the existing user through unique Id or email
- Add Banner: - Admin Can add the banner with link url
- Manage Banner: - Admin can update edit remove existing banner
- Manage offers: - Admin can manage existing coupon
- Offer Management: - Admin can manage the existing offer
- Manage Package: - admin can add edit, remove and update the existing tour package.
- Add Package Category: - admin can add various package categories.
- Manage Package Category: - admin can manage existing category.
- Add Package: - admin can add the package with it nary, hotel details, price, title, gallery, and Online booking option.
- Add Suppliers
- Add Suppliers Commissions or percentages