Library Management System
Smart LMS is complete library software. With this program you can catalog all resources, maintain circulation, and track circulation history for the resource and the user, Fine payment. User level security, barcode scanning, network enabled.
Library automation system is a part of the complete university / college management system and is also available individually. It offers a simple yet powerful solution to automate all kinds of libraries. The software helps you manage print materials like books, journals and magazines along with the non print materials like eBooks, CD, DVD, e-journals, etc. It helps to maintain acquisition register, stock register, reports etc. This module can be integrated with bar codes; you can print bar-coded book labels as well as library cards.
Features of Smart LMS Software
- Allocates Budget
- Generates purchase order
- Item Receiving
- Generates payments as per Receipts
- Generates expenditure Analysis Report
- Automatic classification number generation
- Facilitates the link to CD/Floppy Attaches with the book
- Instant-Vocabulary System for fast Cataloguing
- Prints Catalogue Cards
- Union Catalogue
- Issues/Returns/Reserves
- Flexibility to use Barcodes Scanner or Keyboard
- Online fine collection
- Logs circulation Transaction
- Displays photo and other Details of a Member
- Automatic Reminder Generation
- Inter-Library Loans
- Membership Management
- Issues Reserved Books on First come First Serve
- Automatically De-reserves Book after a Defined Period
- Online Reservation-Status-Check
- Subscription Renewal
- Reminder Generation of Un-received Issues of Periodicals
- Keeps track of bound Volumes
- Budget expenditure Analysis
Product Detail
- Title Search
- Author Search
- Subject Search
- Keyword-in-context Search
- Publisher Search
- Availability of Books/CD/Cassette/Periodical in library
- Suggestion Box
- Displays Fresh Arrivals
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- Tamper proof Data Security
- Label Based Login Feature Ensures restricted Access
- Backup Facility
- Data Recovery
- Physical Verification of Books/CDs/Cassettes/Periodicals etc
- Generates various reports to check-recheck missing stock
- Built-in Barcode Label Printing
- User Defined Library Rules Structure
- Automatic classification number generation
- Automatic keyword generation
- Built in E-Mail facility
- Built in web browser
- Multilingual Support
- Web OPAC
- Supports TCP/IP for communication and networking
- Internationally Recommended Formats
- Complimentary Training
- Efficient after sales service
- Bar code sticker print
- Member id card print with barcode